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Bomarea Salsilla - Princess Lily  seed red flowers

Bomarea Salsilla – Princess Lily, a Chilean native, known as “Peruvian Lily”,  is a very rarely seen lovely climbing vine that reaches 9 - 10 feet in length. The tubers of this plant are edible and used in some countries as food. The center of this flower is prettier than the outer color. The outer color is a pale red or soft pink, and the inside is green and yellow with touches of a darker red. A manageable climber that can be grown in containers as well, with trellis work to hold the plant up. Prefers sun to light shade and good drainage. This plant grows naturally in Central and South America. This twining climber vine grows to a length of 10 feet. This unique flower vine blooms from Spring to Summer in the full sun. Attracting many pollinators, such as hummingbirds. Needs support to grow on. Rarely seen in U.S. Gardens. A hidden gem of a vine.


           5+  seed per pack       


Planting Zone: 7 - 10


Full / Partial Sun


Vine Length: 10 Feet long


Pollinators: Hummingbirds, Butterflies and Bees




Origin: Chile

Germination tips from W.S.P. In England:

Sow seeds at any time onto a good soil-based compost covering seeds with fine grit or compost to approximately their own depth. We recommend germinating at 15 to 20 degrees C. Germination may be very slow, perhaps 2-3 months, or sometimes much longer, and these seeds may sometimes wait for spring before emerging. Grow on individual seedlings in 3-inch pots before finally planting with climbing support in a well-drained spot or very large pot.


I urge anyone buying seed to do their homework on germination, I have not raised and cannot raise many of these plants as I am sub-tropics here in St Augustine, Florida. All seed are NOT alike!  There are so many different factors in germination and not doing a search is throwing your money away. I want everyone to be successful when growing your flowers from seed it is the most rewarding experience in Gardening and you can do it, if you give the seed what it needs to grow. I always check 3 sites of info to choose how I will go about it. It is not hard to do, if you do it right!




Good Luck and Happy Planting!!!!

Bomarea Salsilla - Princess Lily seed


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