Penstemon Richardsonii. Aka: Richardson’s Penstemon, cut-leaf beardtongue. This plant is named after John Richardson 1789-1865, a British naturalist, surgeon, and arctic explorer. It is a member of the figwort family and is considered as an herb or sub shrub. A native to the Oregon/Washington area, these are wildflowers found on dry rocky cliffs and crevices. It is a large perennial with numerous erect hairless stems and saw-toothed, lance shaped leaves. The flowers are tubular and long with spreading lobes that show in bluish to lavender, or pinkish, with reddish purple nectar guides blooming from May to September. Very easy to care for, they are often used to fill spaces in gardens or on banks to add color. The plant reseeds easily for the following season. Cut leaf penstemon is found in open rocky places, cliffs and rock fall areas. In the western Columbia River gorge, it can often be found thriving on sheer cliffs in near complete shade where it typically blooms later in the year. Easy to grow and care for, they need no fuss and thrive being ignored. The stems become heavy with the blooms and will bend which makes it a great plant for raised walkways so the plants can hang over the side and fill with color as you stroll through..
20+ seed per pack
Planting Zone: 6 – 9
Full Sun
Height: 12 inches - 36 inches
Width: 12 inches - 16 inches
Attracts Hummingbirds, Butterflies and Bees
Great cut flowers
Resistant to Deer and Rabbit
Drought tolerant
I urge anyone buying seed to do their homework on germination, I have not raised and cannot raise many of these plants as I am sub-tropics here in St Augustine, Florida. All seed are NOT alike! There are so many different factors in germination and not doing a search is throwing your money away. I want everyone to be successful when growing your flowers from seed it is the most rewarding experience in Gardening and you can do it, if you give the seed what it needs to grow. I always check 3 sites of info to choose how I will go about it. It is not hard to do, if you do it right!
Good Luck and Happy Planting!!!!
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