Pick A 4 Pack is a new idea to save our fellow gardeners money and proudly we are the ONLY seed store to offer this innovative concept!
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Astrantia is a genus of herbaceous plants in the family Apiaceae, endemic to Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and the Caucasus. There are several species, which have aromatic roots, palmate leaves, and decorative flowers. They are commonly known as great masterwort or masterwort which may also refer to other plants.
The genus name is derived from the Latin word “aster” meaning star, and this refers to the open star-shaped floral bracts of the plant. The stems and rhizomes of the Astrantia can be used for medicinal purposes. They provide an essential oil that can be used as a stomachic. The dried leaves of the plant can be used in herbal medicines as an infusion to help with digestion and help stimulate appetite. Many strains of Astrantia have been selected for their value in the garden, where they grow well if given reasonable soil, some shade, and moisture. Their unusual pincushion flowerheads provide summer color in shades of red, pink, and white.
Pick A 4 Pack of Astrantia is just $12.95! Choose from the following 4 Astrantia seeds:
Astrantia Maxima
Astrantia Major - The Great Masterwort
Astrantia Major - Hybr. Rosensinfonie
Astrantia Minor
Only ONE pack of Astrantia Minor seeds for each Pick A 4 Pack Listing. You can choose however many you want of the other 3 Astrantias
Example: 3 of the Astrantia Maxima you choose and 1 of the Astrantia Minor
Example: 1 Astrantia Major - The Great Masterwort, 2 of the Hybr. Rosensinfonie, 1 Astrantia Minor
Please let us know if you have any questions!!! Due to the increased cost of the Astrantia Minor seeds, we only will have 1 of this kind of Astrantia seed per order of the Pick A 4 Pack of Astrantia Seed.
See more under the Astrantia section on our website!!
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