Pick – a – 4 Pack is a new idea to save our fellow gardeners money and proudly we are the ONLY seed store to offer this innovative concept, You can pick 4 of this genus of flower seed for one low price. We do not list them here due to the constant change of inventory during peak season at the Nurseries and the new items we constantly add to our inventory, as well as the items that we cannot find as they are sold out for the season. Choose from our list in the main store for the 4 choices you want, send us a note and that’s all you have to do, if you prefer not to choose than we will choose 5 packs for you to help get your collection started. So Start Your Collection Today!!!!!
Euphorbia is a very large and diverse genus of flowering plants, commonly called spurge. In the family, Euphorbias range from tiny annual plants to large and long-lived trees. The genus has roughly 2,000 members, making it one of the largest genera of flowering plants. It was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753 in Species Plantarum. Some euphorbias are widely available commercially, such as poinsettias at Christmas. Some are commonly cultivated as ornamentals or collected and highly valued for the aesthetic appearance of their unique floral structures, such as the crown of thorns plant. Some are used as ornamentals in landscaping, because of their beautiful or striking overall forms, and drought and heat tolerance.
The common name "spurge" derives from the Old French Middle English espurge ("to purge"), due to the use of the plant's sap as a purgative. The botanical name Euphorbia derives from Euphorbos, the Greek physician of King Juba II of Numidia and Mauretania (52–50 BC – 23 AD), who married the daughter of Anthony and Cleopatra.
Pick a 4 Pack of Euphorbia is just $11.50 This would cost $14.50 individually, so you save $3.00 with the Pick a 4 Pack special.
Check out the varieties we carry under the Euphorbia section on our website, and You get to pick the 4 packs of Euphorbia you want with this offer. Pick any 4 from the list below and send me a message telling me which you would like with your Pick a 4 Pack!
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