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Pick a 4 Pack of Veronica

Pick – a – 4 Pack is a new idea to save our fellow gardeners money and proudly we are the ONLY seed store to offer this innovative concept, You can pick 4 of this genus of flower seed for one low price. We do not list them here due to the constant change of inventory during peak season at the Nurseries and the new items we constantly add to our inventory, as well as the items that we cannot find as they are sold out for the season. Choose from our list in the main store for the 4 choices you want, send us a note and that’s all you have to do, if you prefer not to choose than we will choose 5 packs for you to help get your collection started.                                      So Start Your Collection Today!!!!!


Veronica is the largest genus in the flowering plant family Plantaginaceae, with about 500 species. It was formerly classified in the family Scrophulariaceae. Common names include speedwell, bird's eye, and gypsyweed. Most veronicas provide a strong vertical accent in the garden. The small flowers are borne on upright, slender racemes, flowering from the bottom to the top.


Veronica americana is edible and nutritious, as are most species in the genus Veronica, and is reported to have a flavor similar to watercress. Native Americans used Veronica species as an expectorant tea to alleviate bronchial congestion associated with asthma and allergies. The plant can be confused with skullcap and other members of the mint family. Members of the mint family have square sided stems, and Veronica species have rounded stems. Veronica sp. herb has been used in the traditional Austrian medicine internally (as tea) for treatment of disorders of the nervous system, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, and metabolism.


Pick a 4 Pack of Veronica is just $12.00 this would cost $14.00 - $15.00 individually, so you save $2.00 – $3.00 with the Pick a 4 Pack special.


Check out the varieties we carry and currently have in stock under the Veronica section on our website, and You get to pick the 4 packs of Veronica you want with this offer. Pick any 4, and send us a message telling us which you would like with your Pick a 4 Pack.

Pick a 4 Pack of Veronica seed

Only 4 left in stock

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