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Scabiosa Caucasica Perfection Blue

Scabiosa Caucasica - Perfection Blue. Aka pincushion, Caucasian scabious. The perfection series of cultivars also called the “Perfecta” series, produce showy plants with frilly large outer petals. Blooming from late June through October, the flowers present on strong, stiff stems as a single flower. The Blue Perfecta touts outer petals of a beautiful lilac-blue. Their compact mound of foliage and sturdy stems produce a pincushion-like center, packed with nectar and protruding stamens that resemble pins. Attracts tons of hummingbirds, butterflies and bees daily. But deer and rabbit are not interested in them. Plant in groups for the prettiest garden effects. They are perfect for drying and cutting flowers. Cut the stems as soon as the flowers start opening. The flowers are very easy to grow and widely used in modern gardens. The large flowers of this plant have been used for cutting flowers for 150 years or more. Popular uses are cut flowers, arrangements, cottage and informal gardens, container,  borders, and beds. Soil is the key to successful growth and health of this plant. I read that the name Scabiosa comes from the Latin scabies meaning the itch referring to the plant's rough leaves which is fabled to cure scurvy.


          20+  seed per pack  


Planting Zone: 3 - 7


Full Sun


Height: 24 inches


Width: 12 inches - 24 inches


Attracts Hummingbirds, Butterflies and Bees


Great cut or dried flowers


Drought tolerant


Resistant to Deer and Rabbit


I urge anyone buying seed to do their homework on germination, I have not raised and cannot raise many of these plants as I am sub-tropics here in St Augustine, Florida. All seed are NOT alike!  There are so many different factors in germination and not doing a search is throwing your money away. I want everyone to be successful when growing your flowers from seed it is the most rewarding experience in Gardening and you can do it, if you give the seed what it needs to grow. I always check 3 sites of info to choose how I will go about it. It is not hard to do, if you do it right!




Good Luck and Happy Planting!!!!

Scabiosa Caucasica Perfection Blue seed


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